Friday, August 1, 2014

Week 15

The cat is out of the bag!  Whew!!  We have FINALLY told everyone there really is to tell and it feels SO GOOD.  I was getting so tired of being secretive (at work; with friends) and wearing baggy clothes, which frankly weren't doing a great job anymore.  We were at a party this weekend and made the announcement to a much larger group of friends - up until that point only a handful of close friends knew our news.  Then I shared my news at work with my team.  My management knew, but 'twas time to tell the coworkers.

And finally - the ULTIMATE "sharing": we posted on Facebook just a couple nights ago.  There's really no going back after you post on Facebook...  But "ahhh".  So glad that it's out there.  Up until doing all of this I was getting concerned that I'd run into an acquaintance or something when I was out running errands (and wearing my comfy clothes which lately have included a pair of maternity pants which definitely make me look more pregnant!)  I mean, I guess - what does it matter if someone sees me out and about and thinks I look fat?  They'll find out soon enough, but somehow doing it all this way makes me feel a lot better.  :)

How far along: 15 weeks, 2 days
What did baby do this week: Baby is the size of an apple or navel orange and about 4 inches crown to rump.  Baby is able to rub its eyes, yawn and even blink!  Eyelashes and eyebrows are growing in too, along with hair on top of its head.  And baby is just starting to hear sounds.  Baby can also sense light - not that one would do this, but if you shined a flashlight at your belly, the baby would likely react to it.  Crazy!
Total weight gain: 8.8 pounds
Symptoms: Feeling great overall.  Haven’t been feeling too much cramping in the past month or so, but noticed some this Sunday and a little more yesterday.  More cramping than usual - but not alarming or painful.  I figure it’s just my uterus continuing to expand.  I've not seen any spotting or bleeding which makes me feel just fine about the cramping.  So far still no heartburn, constipation, acne, dark spots on my skin, stretch-marks... I feel SO fortunate!  Please stay away, please stay away...
Queasy or Sick: I was feeling pretty darn great starting last week but I think I might feel even better this week.  No real nausea and the sensitive gag-reflex I mentioned might be lessening too.  I'm still really cautious when I brush my teeth (tongue) but I think it's getting better overall.
Sleep: I've been trying to figure out when I need to start sleeping on my (left) side.  For those of you unaware - apparently as your baby gets bigger it can press on an artery when you're lying on your back, which can lower your blood pressure or make you dizzy.  And in the worst case scenario it can actually affect blood flow to the baby itself.  So it's smart to try and sleep on your side as you get bigger (they say left side is best - fewer organs on that side) - but I'm a little unsure of when I need to do this.  I kinda think it's closer to the 3rd trimester (there's really not much additional weight in my uterus yet.)  However I've read it's "smart" to start getting used to it now.  But if I don't sleep AS well on my side as I do on my back, and it's important to get a good night's sleep, shouldn't I just stay on my back until it's totally necessary?  I tend to think so... I'm kinda doing a little of both: trying to fall asleep on my side, but if I wake up on my back - I'm not stressing.  And I do not have 25 pillows in the bed yet either.  Just 2: for each of our heads.

Best moment this week:  FINALLY announcing to friends which felt SO GREAT.  And of course they were so happy for us!  Especially the very new mommies and currently pregnant friends.  It's kinda like they gained a new member to their club!  I made an announcement at work the following Monday (Hubby cares less about "announcing" at work and since he doesn't have any significant weight gain to try and make excuses for.  So it's less of a priority for him to tell many folks other than management).  And then, like I mentioned: Facebook.
Hardest part of the week: Same as last week: feeling so good that it's almost like my pre-pregnancy self.  So then I sometimes feel like I'm not so pregnant!
Looking forward to:  When my belly is baby and not just fat/bloating.  I know there's a small part of my lower belly which must be the baby now, but my belly still mostly just looks like jiggly fat.  If I'm gonna have a protruding belly - I REALLY want it to look like a pregnant belly.  That's so much more socially acceptable (and attractive).  Can't wait for this stage!
Movement:  WAITING to feel it!!  But not yet.
Food cravings:  Not really.  Those McDonald's cheeseburgers that sounded SO DELICIOUS about a month or so ago - do not sound as delicious these days.  How odd.
Happy or moody:  I think I'm pretty happy for the most part!  I wonder if Hubby would agree... :)
Labor signs: No
Maternity clothes:  Well, I've bought a bit more but since it's summer I'm getting away with mostly dresses.  And not maternity dresses either.  I've found that maternity dresses are NOT that flattering.  They're kinda tent-like and frumpy.  Like too long and just too much fabric.  Maybe it'll work better when I'm bigger, but right now a regular loose fitting dress is perfect.
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Stretch marks: No
Learnings from the week:  I bought this book recently and read it in about 4 sittings.  It's light-hearted and pretty funny.  Perhaps a tad exaggerated, or Jenny McCarthy REALLY had a rough time of it, but I enjoyed reading the book.  Kinda like reading an US Weekly magazine.  You know it's mostly un-educational, but it's fun.
Final Thoughts:  I remember reading something early in pregnancy that said pregnancy can be tiring, wonderful, magnificent (some other adjectives I would expect) and BORING.  I found that to be an odd adjective but I think I get it now.  I used to be so on top of everything going on with every week of my pregnancy.  If someone asked how far along I was I could tell them "10 weeks and 5 days!"  Maybe I'm in a pregnancy lull, but when someone asked me how far along I was the other day I had to stop and think.  Then I said "16, wait... no.. 15 weeks.  Somewhere around 15."  I forget to read my weekly books/websites/apps until it's almost the next week.  Maybe it's less about being bored with it and more that I'm feeling more comfortable with pregnancy so it's less of a novelty.  Can you imagine my saying that 5 months ago when we were hoping for healthy embryos?  How quickly we sometimes forget what we've come through to get where we are.

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