Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Week 18

I'm a little surprised this has happened, but this past week was the first week I think I literally got bored of being pregnant.  I guess that's what you'd call it.  I found myself at multiple times, forgetting what week I was on, when someone would ask me.  I didn't feel like reading my pregnancy books, checking my pregnancy apps or reading websites I've been keeping up with.  And generally speaking I just didn't really FEEL or even remember that I was pregnant.  I mean of course I know I am (every time I get dressed or look at my growing belly!) but it was the most "whatever" I've felt about it since we started this journey.  I feel almost guilty about it - like how could I take such an important thing for granted?  But sadly I guess this happens as you get "used" to being pregnant.  So for that reason - this post might be a little on the short side.  But I doubt you mind... I tend to be long-winded on all other weeks!

Just feeling...blah
How far along: 18 weeks today!
What did baby do this week: Baby is the size of bell pepper or artichoke at about 5-5.8 inches!  Baby continues to grow - bones are hardening, eyes and ears are moving into their final location and the pads for his/her fingers and toes are forming.  S/he is yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing - and moving a lot!  Most women begin feeling their babies move around this time...thought I'm still not totally sure about it myself.
Total weight gain: 14 pounds
Symptoms:  Kinda none!  No more round ligament pain after just 1-2 days of it, a couple weeks ago.  No queasiness, indigestion or heartburn.  I seem to be sleepier than usual throughout the afternoon and (this is nothing new) I get tired much faster when exerting any amount of energy, but of course that's nothing odd.
Queasy or Sick: Nope!  Pretty awesome!
Sleep:  Sleep at night comes and goes.  Sometimes I can fall asleep and sleep pretty well, other times I lie there for a while.  I think my brain is sometimes on over-drive.  If I get sleepy in the afternoon though (or at acupuncture) I can fall asleep in mere seconds!
Best moment this week: Finding white (maternity) jeans that fit how I wanted!  I went through Old Navy, Target and finally found THE RIGHT ONES from LOFT.  Whew!
Hardest part of the week: Fortunately I really had no bad moments.
Looking forward to:  Having a more defined bump.  I definitely have a belly, but depending on what I'm wearing it can look like a baby bump or beer belly...

Movement:  Still nothing really significant, but I'm starting to wonder if the occasional vibrations/fizziness I feel when I'm lying down (at night or early morning) is actually Baby?!
Food cravings:  Nothing specific.
Happy or moody:  Feeling happy, mostly!
Labor signs: No
Maternity clothes: YES.  Now that I've finally found a couple pairs of pants/shorts that work I need to catch up with some tops to go with them.  Up until now I've mostly been wearing dresses.
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Stretch marks: No
Learnings from the week:  I've had such a blah week that I can't think of anything creative to share.  Stay tuned and hopefully I'll have inspiration in upcoming weeks!
Final Thoughts: I’m still going to acupuncture though the appointments are scaled back to once every 3-4 weeks.  You might remember that I was going twice a week through week 12 of pregnancy.  My insurance only covers a set number of visits annually and I personally felt early in pregnancy was more important than later so I kind of exhausted my allotment in those first 12 weeks.  But now that I only have about 5 (covered) visits left, they’re spreading me out more since I’m feeling so well.

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