Friday, July 25, 2014

Week 14

So I’m a little more confused about whether or not I am “showing”.  I definitely have a belly.  I can hide it if I wear fitted/tighter pants and it’s easiest earlier in the day before I’ve eaten a lot.  But by the afternoon (or wearing a dress) I would say you can see a small bump there.  It’s not the baby yet, as Baby hasn’t yet popped up above my pelvic bone, so the “bump” is mostly just my bowels being pushed up as Baby gets bigger down in my pelvis, with some bloating thrown in.  Perhaps I’ll figure this out as I go but right now I’m not sure what to say when friends who haven’t seen me ask if I’m showing!  Basically I've just been telling them I look fat...

How far along: 14 weeks, 2 days
What did baby do this week: Baby is the size of a lemon or nectarine at about 3.4" long.  If our baby is a girl, her eggs will have already developed inside her ovaries.  If our baby is a boy, his prostate gland is developing.  Lanugo - tiny hairs like peach fuzz - is growing all over Baby's body.  S/he is practicing breathing with the amniotic fluid - and also peeing!
Total weight gain: 7.6 pounds
Symptoms: Maybe I should have mentioned this earlier since I’ve noticed it for probably over a month - but I frequently have a bad taste in my mouth and I’m not sure if this is pregnancy related or what?  Perhaps it's cuz I can't quite brush my tongue as far back as I used to - but I feel like there's something more going on here.
Queasy or Sick: I shall carefully answer this question with a very  I still have the sensitive gag-reflex, but it's just in the mornings when I'm brushing my teeth or need to cough (yes. weird - gag after I cough.)  Maybe a month ago, I stopped taking large pills in the morning (I was taking 2 Calcium/day but figured since I've been drinking a lot of milk I can go with just 1 at night.)  But I might soon be able to handle it again.  And since maybe 8-9 weeks I had to eat something NO LATER than about 9am or I was for sure going to be queasy.  But today it was 12:30pm before I got around to eating.  I was hungry - but not queasy.  yay!  Maybe 14 weeks *is* the magic number?
Sleep: Fine, although I've found that some afternoons I get really sleepy - probably could easily take a nap if I allowed myself, but then even if I don't take a nap, it sometimes takes me a while to fall asleep at night.  However, I stay asleep and can fall back asleep after getting up to pee.  Speaking of which - I seem to be peeing a little bit less overnight.  Like maybe getting up 1-2 times instead of 3-4!

Best moment this week:  Just feeling a WHOLE LOT BETTER overall.  Not needing to stuff my face every other second in order to fight off queasiness.  Also - after 3.5 months, I FINALLY went to get a pedicure!  I just asked them to put me in a well ventilated part of the salon and brought in my own (as I mentioned in Week 7) Knocked Up Nails polish and base/top coat.  It's AMAZING how good I felt after this!
Hardest part of the week:  Feeling a whole lot better.  I know this is bizarre, but with no doctor visits on my calendar for another 3 or so weeks, there's this weird part of me that almost liked the queasiness because I thought it means that the baby was doing great.  In this weird way, if I feel good - it almost feels like I'm not pregnant!  Then I start to doubt if this is real, then I worry if something's wrong, etc.  I hear this is pretty typical about this time so I'm not really concerned.
Looking forward to:  OMG, seriously - WHEN is my butt going to stop hurting from the progesterone shots?!?  We stopped them a month ago!!  Fortunately the part of my butt/thigh area that used to feel numb is now more tingly which means it's all SLOoooOOOooowly improving.  But My Gosh.  Whenever my butt jiggles (going up/down stairs, if I were to try to jog or run) it's noticeable.
Movement:  Same as past weeks: LOTS but still probably over a month before I'll feel it.  My OB, Dr. R said that since my placenta is in the front of my uterus, it might be even more time for me to feel since it will cushion any kicks a little bit.
Food cravings:  WHY can't I crave salads and kale and whole wheat toast?  This past week I went to Taco Bell; twice.  TWICE!  Prior to that, I don't even think I've been to Taco Bell in the past year!  And what is it that sounds so good?  Bean burritos.  OK at least I'm eating fiber!  If I look up the nutritional value of a bean burrito it's one of the better items on the menu calories/fat/fiber-wise.  Soft-serve vanilla ice cream has also been sounding really good.  And I definitely noticed that in the pamphlet Dr. R gave me on nutritious eating during pregnancy... ice cream does NOT fall into the "Avoid" column and instead falls under the "Eat X servings of Calcium" column!  Hell yea!!!
Happy or moody:  Mostly pretty even.  Definitely emotional about things I wouldn't' otherwise be.
Labor signs: No
Maternity clothes:  Last weekend, the pants I wore around were maternity pants.  But the rest of this week I got by without maternity clothes.  However... read my Final Thoughts below.
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Stretch marks: No
Learnings from the week:  I think I brought this up before but I really can't get over how my fingernails have been growing.  They are SO strong and I MUST cut them about once every two weeks.  They do not break!  My hair on the other hand, I was expecting to get fuller and thicker (I tend to have pretty fine hair) but I don't really notice this yet.  And it seems the same amount falls out as pre-pregnancy too.  Maybe further on down the road.  Or maybe I'm just not one of the lucky ones!

Final Thoughts: I've been continuing to squeeze into 1 last pair of pre-pregnancy jeans and wearing them to work, since they make me look not so pregnant (and I haven't told coworkers yet).  But they ARE getting pretty tight.  They're probably more appropriate for standing in, and not sitting in...  So yesterday I wore them to work, then lunch with some coworkers, then had to pick a friend up at the airport which was a half hour drive away from my lunch spot + a 45 minute drive home.  So that meant, right after lunch I sat in my tight pants for over an hour.  I noticed about 20 minutes into the drive that I was feeling some uncomfortable cramping (or that's what I thought).  By the time I was near home I was getting super worried that I was having serious cramping and something was wrong with the baby!!  But then I got inside, unbuttoned my pants, put on sweats and realized: my pants were just squeezing the crap (um, maybe literally?) out of me.  Note to self: stop it with the tight pants.  Or for God's sake just unbutton them when driving!!  Yes, I think it is time to move along to...maternity pants.

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