Thursday, May 22, 2014

What comes next?

So where do we go from here - and by that I mean in terms of this blog...?  Obviously, I started this blog as an IVF Blog.  A way for me to share about our journey through IVF.  As I myself went through this journey, I was sometimes annoyed when I'd find an IVF blog that had turned into a pregnancy blog.  I was looking for IVF info!!  But of course we should be HAPPY when we discover an IVF blog which has turned into a pregnancy blog.  This means people are finding success and that's what all of us want!  But at the same time, sometimes it made finding the info I was looking for, difficult.

I've given this some thought and while obviously this is an IVF blog, I do still want to keep track of my pregnancy and since I already have the platform here - I'm going to continue to do so.  But in order to make the IVF info just as easy to find as the Pregnancy info - I'm going to be clear about calling out the IVF section versus the Pregnancy section.  I'll be tagging all the posts prior to this post with "IVF" and all posts after it with "Pregnancy".

Hopefully this will allow all you folks going through IVF to find that info.  And then as you find your own success with IVF, you can follow along into the pregnancy section!

Here's what I'll plan to do from here on out.  Each week I'll try to write a post about my pregnancy progress.  I'll title it "Week 7" or "Week 22" or what not and I'll write the post just as I hit the day that signifies I've finished that week (for example, when a woman says she's "at 6 weeks" it means she's completed 6 weeks of pregnancy, not about to start the 6th week.  "6w4d" means she's 3 days away from completing week 7 - took me a bit of thinking and looking at the calendar to get that all straight in my head...hey, I never said I was brilliant!)  I'm hoping with all my heart that I get up into the 35+ range as far as weeks go!!

Yesterday I hit 5 weeks, so I should be telling you about week 5 today, however since I've still been giving you my daily updates after our transfer - I'll skip it and start with week 6 next week.  That'll give me a week to figure out if I want to follow any specific format for my blog posts.

See you next week!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Kristin, I'm so happy reading your blogs - I'm just only one day ahead of you in term of pregnancy! :D Looking forward to companying you on this journal. Great and fun posts!!! - Joanna
