Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Week 26

Ugh...feeling pretty bummed this week.  I just got the results yesterday that I failed the 1 hour Glucose Tolerance test.  I know this isn't the end of the world, and it doesn't mean that I do have Gestational Diabetes, but it's still nerve-wracking.  I was hoping I was borderline fail, but I was 168 mg/dl which is like 30 mg/dl over where they want to see you (~135 mg/dl).  The nurse I talked to didn't seem overly concerned, but I still am.  Like I mentioned a couple weeks ago, I don't know why I just have this bad feeling about it.  There is definitely some adult onset diabetes in my family, including my dad.  Plus I've been SO THIRSTY lately and I've read that's a "symptom".  Now, a lot of women fail the 1 hour and pass the 3.  But usually these ladies are closer to borderline, so we'll see.  But I still have this bad feeling.  I go back next week for the 3 hour test.  Silver lining - my perinatologist had sort of joked that because I have elevated blood pressure and that can sometimes cause small babies, if I have gestational diabetes, which can cause larger babies, our baby will probably be totally fine and perfectly sized.  Yes - here's to silver linings!
Feeling kinda bummed this week...
Now about the test itself...THAT was totally NOT a big deal.  I showed up at Labcorp with a giant book in hand.  They handed me this bottle of fruit punch, told me to drink it within 5 minutes and then let them know.  So I drank the fruit punch (which by the way, just tasted like fruit punch.  It wasn't gross.  It didn't make me sick.  It was like Hi-C) and let them know when I was done.  And they told me to come back in an hour.  What?  I can leave?  So I went to Target and did a little browsing around, then went back.  They did the blood draw which was like any other blood draw (2 vials) and I was outta there.  So yah.  Totally not a big deal.  I don’t know what people are so worried about?  Are they just worried about the results?  People can't deal with getting blood drawn?  I even read on some board about someone needing someone to go with her...HUH?  Does this same lady need someone to go with her to hold her hand at the dentist?  Seriously….

How far along: 26 weeks, today!
What did baby do this week: Baby is the size of a head of lettuce, around 13.5-14.5" from head to heel and should be weighing just under 2 pounds.  Baby has eyelashes!  And I've noticed my belly shuddering rhythmically occasionally which I'm pretty sure means: hiccups.  So crazy!!  Baby's lungs and brain are more developed and baby can definitely hear Hubby and I talking, even over the loud noises of the womb.  His/her eyes are completely developed and eyelids will open soon.
Total weight gain: 23 pounds (down .2 from last week - guess it's the diet)
Symptoms: Still constipated.  Up until now I was just drinking tons of water and taking in extra fiber, but I started the Colace Dr. R recommended, last night and am hoping it will do the trick.  I *think* my feet are a bit bigger/swollen too.  I ordered some shoes (SO comfy, by the way) a half size up at the website's recommendation.  They're a LITTLE big, but I think my regular size would have been snug.  I still have a trimester to go anyway so I figure the shoes will fit perfectly in due time.  I'm still wearing heels to work and feeling very proud of myself because of it.  My goal is to wear heels into my 3rd trimester.  Since that's only a week away, I think I’m gonna make it!  Speaking of swollen, I think my ankles might be a little too.  I noticed that the ankle bone which is usually pretty prominent is not as "bony".
Queasy or Sick: Not really, though sometimes if I let myself get too hungry I start to feel a little off.  Not quite nauseated, but almost.

Sleep: Still really good except I'm such a night owl!
Best moment this week: I'm still making it up/down the flight of stairs at my office which makes me feel very accomplished.  Every day I'm loaded down with my (heavy) purse, my laptop, my 22 ounce bottle of water and sometimes a lunch, IN HEELS.  I still manage to hold onto the rail the whole time - cuz that'd just be dumb not to.  But taking the stairs is a much faster/more direct path to my desk than having to wind around to get to the elevator.  So I'm feeling pretty proud about this - and keeping my quads and core strong!
Hardest part of the week: Obviously the bad news about failing my 1 hour glucose test.  Seriously bummed about that...
Looking forward to:  This might sound crazy but, my Third trimester!  I can't believe how far I've come.  And I'm excited to get closer and closer to meeting my little one.  I've been feeling so good too that I feel like I can handle the 3rd.  Bring it!!
Movement: I was surprised by a HUGE kick that I felt on the inside and outside of my belly this past weekend.  Maybe they’re this strong when I’m up and about too, but it felt really huge probably cuz I was lying down.  I mentioned above that I'm seeing my belly move in time with baby hiccups too which is really amazing!
Food cravings: Nothing really.  But have definitely been trying to eat more protein/vegetables over carbs, for obvious reasons.
Happy or moody: Overall happy.
Labor signs: No
Maternity clothes: Yup, yup.
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Stretch marks: No
Learnings from the week: I've been getting a decent amount of exercise overall - my weekly prenatal yoga class and going for walks 2-4 times a week.  And I feel REALLY great.  I feel really strong and have great balance and core strength.  I would highly recommend yoga or Pilates for all pregnant women.  I really think it is making a huge difference.  When we go out walking (usually about 1-2 miles at a time) I've been trying to hold my hands a bit elevated so they don’t get swollen.  A couple weeks ago I mentioned how my hands got so swollen during a long walk we took and it was quite annoying.
I just ordered this and am going to iron it onto a black Gap long sleeve T-shirt I have.  Hilarious!!  What is YOUR Halloween costume?  You've only got 2 weeks!
Final Thoughts: This is likely WAY TMI but I’ve been noticing that it’s harder and harder to see my own lady parts.  Not like I usually stare at them daily - but I do like to keep things a little “tidy” down there and I have no idea how I’m going to accomplish this in another month or so.  Dare I ask Hubby for some help? (talk about a trusting relationship) Or just grow it out like it’s 1975?  Or try holding a mirror with 1 hand and the clippers in the other?  Oh gosh.  And really, I can’t believe I’m talking about this...

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