Thursday, December 11, 2014

Week 34

Things are really starting to move along here...  Next week is my last week in the office and I’ve only been going in twice a week right now anyway.  I've been feeling so many emotions: excitement, nervousness and of course OMG-am-I-gonna-finish-everything?  I feel pretty on top of most things though.  The nursery is basically done (tho, I don't know why that matters since Baby will sleep in our room for a couple months at least.)  I have all the clothes our little one will need in the first few weeks.  We've met pediatricians, my maternity leave is all set up, we have the carseat - just need to install it, and have the Pack 'n Play, Fisher-Price Rock 'n Play sleeper and bassinet from our stroller, as sleeping options around the house.  I have a handful of things I do still need to do: buy diapers and wipes, order my breast pump through insurance (I have to wait until 36 weeks), buy some nursing bras and granny panties and a few other preparations for postpartum and pack my hospital bag!  But for the most part - we are READY!  OMG!
Do we have everything we need?!

How far along: 34 weeks, 2 days
What did baby do this week:  Baby is the size of a large cantaloupe ( mean at week 24 Baby was the size of a small one and now TEN weeks later is the size of a large one?!) at around 5 pounds give or take and 17.5-18.5" head to feet.  The lanugo (that fine hair which has been all over Baby's body) continues to shed this week and might even be completely gone.  The vernix (waxy, white thick protective layer which has also been all over Baby's body) is starting to disappear, but a little will still be left at birth.  Little One's immune system is no longer relying on the antibodies from the placenta and the placenta will start to age this week, even though it is capable of supporting Baby until birth.  I also read that Baby needs additional calcium around this time and they *will* take it from you and your bones if you're not consuming enough.  So get plenty of dairy, leafy greens and legumes!
Total weight gain: 25.6 pounds
Symptoms:  Is it?... I think...I'm pretty sure - that my sciatica isn't bothering me anymore?  Granted I haven't spent too much time standing (which is what would aggravate it before) but I'm pretty happy to report a HUGE reduction in any pain in my left butt muscle!  Still with the numb-ish heels tho - SO WEIRD.
Queasy or Sick: Not really.
Sleep:  Not bad, but getting up so frequently to pee - ugh!
Best moment/Hardest part of this week:  I can't really think of a best moment or hardest part of my week but there were 2 noteworthy items that came and went.  I had my last Prenatal Yoga class (long story with changing instructors) and my last acupuncture appointment this week.  The yoga has been awesome and I'm so glad I stuck with it through the last 2 trimesters.  I've never developed any back pain and have great balance and a strong core.  As for the acupuncture, I really don't know how or if it's helped - but with insurance covering it through this week I didn't have anything to lose in continuing it.  However, I'm not going to pay $80/visit to continue!
A large one - not a small one, like in week 24...
Looking forward to: A friend's bridal shower this weekend!  This even is the last social event before Baby comes.  At least a big one that's been on my calendar.  I'm sure with Christmas and New Years coming up so soon, other impromptu social callings will arise, but I prefer to see how I'm feeling each weekend and play my plans by ear.  Also, after this weekend I don't think I really want to be too far from home without Hubby.  JUST in case I go into labor or something!
Movement: Bigger movements that seem to move my whole belly.  And it seems: a lot of head-butting my bladder!  Argh!!
Food cravings:  I WANT ALL THE COOKIES!  Christmas cookies all over the place - argh!!
Happy or moody:  Happy.  Feeling good about how prepared we are and good about how far along I am (in case Baby shows up early.)
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out: In, but getting very small.
Wedding rings on or off: On!
Stretch marks: Those 2 I mentioned last week...waaaaah!
Learnings from the week:  I spent a ton of time last week going through all the clothes I have for the baby.  I inventoried everything that was given to us - and was surprised to find that we were basically not given any 0-3 month size clothing!  So many of my friends are moms, I guess they figured they'd buy clothing for the future knowing that typically a couple gets so much "young" stuff.  Well the thought backfired.  So I went out and bought what I hope is enough 0-3 month clothing to feel like our little one will not be naked all the time once they come home!  And to be safe, I also got 3 newborn size outfits JUST in case they're tiny or come early - so I'm not caught off-guard.  I might return them after our 36 week growth ultrasound if we think Baby is looking to be good sized.
Final Thoughts: We went to a Christmas party at a friend’s place on Saturday and while I was there I realized it was my last social gathering with my main group of friends, before I have the baby!!  The shower tomorrow (that I mentioned above) is really an event I'm going to just for the bride.  I don't really know anyone else going.  But the Christmas party this past weekend was ALL my good friends and it was so weird saying bye at the end of the night - not knowing when I'd see them again!  Maybe at our house when they come visit our baby!!

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