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20!!!!!!!!!! |
I still have to get through the Glucose Test (test for gestational diabetes) between week 24-26. Not looking forward to that but hoping to get good news. We had our anatomy scan yesterday and were so relieved and happy that everything looked GREAT. We didn’t get any good 3D shots of the baby though, since the placenta is in front (anterior placenta) so it can block getting a clear picture during an ultrasound. The perinatologist at our anatomy scan told us that Baby weighs 10 ounces!
How far along: 20 weeks, today!
What did baby do this week: Baby is the size of a banana or carrot and about 6-6.25 inches head to butt or 10 inches head to heel. My pregnancy apps say that this week is the start of measuring Baby to their heels instead of their butts since their legs are more straightened out than earlier in pregnancy. Baby's skin is thickening and starting to form 2 layers: the epidermis (outer layer) and the dermis (deeper layer). S/he is also starting to produce meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This will accumulate in Baby's bowels and show up in the first dirty diaper.
Total weight gain: 15.6 pounds (down .2 pounds from last week)
Symptoms: Mostly nothing, but I did have an evening of heartburn after eating a big salad (vegetables are very acidic) late in the evening, and it wasn't on an empty stomach - so definitely my fault for letting myself get too full. Hubby doesn’t like me taking anything, but I insisted on some Tums (which are totally okayed by my doctor) and I felt a lot better very quickly.
Queasy or Sick: Nothing. Loving it!
Sleep: Dr. told me that I should start sleeping on my side after week 20, so I've been trying to do so more frequently. Still no pillows in the bed, but I might need to start putting a small one behind my back soon. Sleeping great otherwise. I've had a couple more nights of not waking up once to pee overnight, which amazes me in the morning!
Best moment this week: Our anatomy scan!! And being halfway through!!
Hardest part of the week: Realizing that I’m only halfway through…hehe.
Looking forward to: Our Babymoon! We leave this weekend and I'm just SO looking forward to spending some quality time with Hubby. We've always had a wonderful and loving relationship but not surprisingly - my pregnancy is making us closer and I can't wait to spend some downtime with him away from the daily stressors we both deal with.
Movement: I think I'm feeling Baby move! The "fizziness" and "vibrations" I've talked about are graduating a little bit to more of a "spasm". It's not strong, but I'm noticing it more and more when I'm sitting still or lying in bed. We saw Baby move a TON on the ultrasound this week, so I know they're dancing in there!
Food cravings: Nothing in particular
Happy or moody: Happy. And feeling so close to Hubby!
Labor signs: No. And before the anatomy scan they used the trans-vaginal ultrasound to check my cervix - no signs of a short cervix which could increase the risk of premature/early labor.
Maternity clothes: I'm feeling so much better about getting ready in the mornings now that I’m well stocked up on maternity clothes. It took about 3 major shopping trips to Old Navy, Target and Motherhood with a couple items from Pink Blush and LOFT thrown in, but feel like I have a mini wardrobe now. WHEW! It’s actually a little harder to buy maternity clothes before your belly is very round - so there is definitely an awkward stage where you’re too big for your regular pants/clothes, but don't quite have a belly yet and it’s hard to buy in that range. My belly finally looks pregnant to me (and I think others) so it’s fitting into the stretchy bands on maternity pants now. This makes it a lot easier to find well fitting clothes.
Belly button in or out: In - but I'm noticing that it's getting a bit more stretched out
Wedding rings on or off: On, but my (previously rather loose) engagement ring is fitting perfectly now. I think the warm summer adds to this too though.
Stretch marks: No
Learnings from the week: We got a lot of walking in this past week. From Sunday to Sunday I think Hubby and I got about 11 miles of walking/hiking in! We did a 3.6 mile, 1100 foot elevation climb hike last weekend while we were out of town. Then walked a total of about 6 miles this past Saturday + Sunday (not to mention an evening walk in the neighborhood). I'm feeling really great about it and think it's helping fight any fullness/heartburn and also slowed my weight-gain a little!
Final Thoughts: I don't know if it's the loving feelings I mentioned above, or my super-charged emotions, but I've been a little needy/more clingy with Hubby the past couple months. Before my pregnancy I'd say I felt quite independent. Not cold or anything, but we could do our own things and be perfectly happy. And if one of us went to bed before the other (this wouldn't happen frequently, but occasionally) it wasn't any big deal at all whatsoever. But I find if he's getting ready to go to bed I rush to get myself ready too so that we can go through our cuddling/talking to Baby routine. Maybe it's sweet but I feel a little bit sappy sometimes too!
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